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                This page last updated: 12/24/11

Asgard's 'A' Litter: Ember x CH Seren's Atomahawk of Neshobe, CDX, TDX, SchH III, B, Ztpr, FH, CGC ("Chopper")

Born: 10/30/92

Below: Breck (left) with his brother, "Bear" (Asgard's Admiral Con-Cora) each qualified for a CD 'leg' at the same trial.  Bear's owner (seated) was Connie Evans.  Bear has joined Connie at The Rainbow Bridge.   
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Asgard's American Legend ("Hoss") earns his CD title, too, after he qualifies at 3 consecutive AKC obedience trials.  Hoss
also has his first herding title.  Hoss crossed the Rainbow Bridge on 9/14/01.  We miss him so much!     
HossCD.jpg (71269 bytes)

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This is "Abby", a litter sister, and she
has earned her HT (herding title)

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Asgard's Atasha, TT, CGC
"Tasha" has crossed the Rainbow
Bridge and is greatly missed by all of her family.

BreckGavCollage.jpg (88847 bytes) Breck shared an ice cream cone with a new friend. 

Photos by: Di Photography, Leola, PA

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Herding.jpg (74571 bytes) Left: Litter mates, Breck and Hoss, are shown when they both qualified for the AKC HT title (Herding Tested)
with AKC Judge, Ken Dugan
Handler/Breeder: Glenn Pollock