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  This page last updated: 12/24/11

Asgard's 'B' Litter: Ember x BIS, BISS, Select A/C CH Pioneer's D. J. Star Stuben, CD Born: May 19, 1993
2Banner.jpg (64515 bytes) Left: ARC SILVER SIRE, CRC GOLD ACHIEVER, A/C CH Asgard's Banner of Brimstone,  A/C CDX, BH, TT, CGC is shown here at 7 weeks and 11 months.  Banner finished his CH before he was 2 years old, all owner handled.  Banner was in the ARC Top 10 for breed and obedience, and he had numerous Working Group wins. 
Right: CH Asgard's Bryna von Karmahaus, CD, CGC, TT 

Bryna was  owned by Karen Guilmette of Massachusetts.   Bryna recently lost her battle with cancer, and she has crossed over The Rainbow Bridge to join her mother, Ember, and her sister, Star.   Bryna was a true friend and is sadly missed by her children and her grand-children.      

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Left: "Butch," Asgard's Butch Cassidy, CD, TT,  a little older, with his "mom," Judy, earning their AKC Companion Dog title... notice the BIG smile on Judy and how Butch is so relaxed.  Judy frequently used to tell me to "look for a Federal Express box with air holes in it."  In his younger days, Butch enjoyed sleeping in the bath tub, on his back, and he enjoyed chasing the animals on TV out of his territory.  Judy told me that  all 125# of him would jump up and down on her bed if he saw a dog food commercial even if as she was trying to drift off to sleep.

Butch has joined his mother, Ember, at the Rainbow Bridge.

Right & below: Asgard's Brand New Star

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When Star was a puppy, I called her "Twinkle."  She was very sweet and loved to lay in 'her' wading pool and would even lie on her back in her mom's full size pool if someone supported her.  She also loved to sit up and beg.  Star used to fetch Gloria's (her owner) newspaper for her every day.   Star was diagnosed with cancer, and she has joined her mother, Ember, across The Rainbow Bridge.