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                                   This page last updated: 12/24/11

This is Linus, and I used to tell him that if he weren't so GREAT we wouldn't have "all of these Rottweilers. " Linus enjoyed visiting schools and nursing homes and showing off his jumping and obedience skills...anything for attention.  Linus helped me to create and demonstrate my first "Dog Manners" program.  Our program was a model for the AKC "Making Friends" program.  
Linus' idea of a "good day" was sitting next to someone who was willing to rub and scratch him until HE thought he had enough...a LONG time.  Linus loved to watch TV, especially shows about cats and other animals.  His favorite movie was the animated version of "101 Dalmatians" by Walt Disney.  Linus' breeder, Mary Bard, began obedience classes for his whole litter when they were three (3) months old.   Linus earned his CD when he was thirteen (13) months old, and then went on to 'train' me for his CDX.  Linus taught me great deal about training and behavior, and he was a GREAT representative for his breed.   Linus was quite a clown, a common Rottweiler trait.  Linus was a little over 12 when he crossed the Rainbow Bridge.   We MISS him terribly!  Linus our King!

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Linus: 9/19/88 to 11/27/00

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This is Ember,  our second Rottweiler.  Ember fulfilled my dreams and goals by producing 3 American CH (champion);  2 Canadian CH; one ARC (American Rottweiler Club) Select CH; 8 AKC CD (Companion Dog title); 2 AKC CDX (CD Excellent title); 1 UD (Utility Dog title); 1 UCD (UKC Companion Dog title);  3 HT's & 2 PT's (AKC herding titles); 1 JHD (AHBA herding title), 1 TD (tracking); 1 NA, 1 NAJ, 1 OA, 1 OAJ, 1 AX and 1 AXJ (AKC agility titles), 1 CI, 1 CS and 1 CST (ARC carting titles), 1 BH (German obedience title), 1 ARC 'V' & 1 'VX' (Versatility and Versatility Excellent) and the FIRST Rottweiler to obtain the AKC "VCD 2" title (Versatile Companion Dog: tracking, obedience, agility and JWW).  She also had one of her progeny in the ARC Top 20 for '98 and '99.   Two of her 'kids' were repeatedly in the ARC Top 10 monthly statistics,  and one was in the Top 10 for 3 years. Her progeny have taken numerous Working Group wins.  Her progeny have participated in conformation, obedience, tracking, herding, agility, carting, education and therapy work, and they are all LOVED and spoiled by their families.   Ember became an ARC Gold Producer ...recognition for producing so many AKC titled offspring.  Ember loved to chase squirrels.  If I could have cloned only one dog, it would have been Ember.  She was our Queen!

ARC Gold Producer
Lindenwood Ember v Brimstone, CD, TT, TDI, CGC (6/25/90 to 6/19/02)

Ember's breeders: Linda & Bill Michels (Lindenwood)

Ember earned enough points for her ARC Gold Producer, and she did it 'all' with only 3 litters.  Some of her grand-kids earned their AKC Championships.  Ember's sire, A/C CH Can. OTCH Winterhawk's Chief Justice, A/C UDT, SchH 1, VB, VX, has become an ARC Bronze Sire.  A real honor for his owner, Jane Justice.  (The ARC awards Bronze, Silver and Gold production awards for sires and dams based on their winning progeny.)

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Left: this photo shows owner-handler, Glenn Pollock, Linus (left) and Ember (right) winning second place in their Brace obedience class.   Both dogs must perform basic obedience skills, with their handler, while they remain together.  You can also see how much of a difference there is between male and female Rottweilers in this photo.   My original reason for getting our second Rottweiler was because I thought Brace looked like so much fun.  If you think it is hard to get one dog to heel at your side, try getting two dogs to heel, together, by your side.  Don't I look proud!